Drama BRN April


By Elaine Horne

Thursday April 26th to  Saturday 28th 2018

A madcap musical comedy!

Boxford Drama Group present An Englishman’s home is his Hassle written by Elaine Horne.
This tale of dysfunctional family life, mistaken identity, bizarre behaviour and comings and goings.
A comedy, a farce and a musical with a twist all rolled into one.
Tickets £13.00 for each night include supper served in the interval and there will be a bar and raffle on all nights.

On sale at Boxford Post Office from March 23rd


For probably the first time in the history of the Boxford Drama Group tickets for the three performances were sold out well in advance.
Such was the demand that an extra performance (ultimate dress rehearsal) was made available to the punters on Wednesday 25th April.

The production ‘An Englishman’s home is his Hassle’ written by Elaine Horne with original music by Mike Keith was yet another triumph for the BDG.
This tale of dysfunctional family life, mistaken identity, bizarre behaviour and comings and goings was a comedy, a farce and a musical with a twist all rolled into one. This was a unique and quite brilliant Horne/Keith production with many of our old favourites in the cast. The cast were well chosen for their parts and all gave excellent performances but I would like to mention two in particular. Elaine Carpenter who played Bridie O’Toole was the Irish Housekeeper who undoubtedly had many of the best lines, but best lines are only any good if they are put across meaningfully and this is where Elaine scored. The moment she was on stage you knew you were in for those belly laughs that one expects from a good farce and Elaine did not let us down. I suppose having her husband as the straight man (Conrad played by Will Carpenter ) helped.
The other was not one but six being the ingenious chorus together with the musical director, Monica Murphy, Frances Karabik, Emily Barlow, Angela Tolputt, Steve Clayden and of course Mike Keith. What an incredibly good Idea to have such a well rehearsed team helping us to understand what was going on in this fast moving farce.
As always the meal at Half time was of a good standard and well served and last but not least, I always regret that we do not applaud the set, must set a new fashion in future.