Few, if any of us understood the convoluted script but had great fun doing it!
Written and directed by Bill Horne and full of music and laughter.
Box River News Review:
Bill Horne, our local Bard, was probably influenced by Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone when He wrote this panto. Elements of the Arthurian tradition are woven throughout the Harry Potter series. Both Arthur and Harry were heroes and both had the potential to become immortal. However that is where the likeness in the panto ends!
This years panto began with a zing when Miss Lesley’s girls were on stage to entertain us with a traditional Irish Tap Dance which they performed very well indeed. Following the dancers that we discovered that King Arthur had suffered a breakdown after Queen Guinevre had run off with Lancelot. The King decided he needed a break and with his daughter roamed the country until he came across Boxford where he set up court on the site of what is now the Boxford Village Hall. He had with him the Philosophers stone which tradition maintains turned everything into gold that came in contact with. Add to this Morgana, a nasty greedy piece of work, a royal romance and the King opting to take out his pension, stir it up and you have the potted history of King Arthur’s visit according to the Bard. Two octogenarians need a special mention, Seaweed played by Derek, “I can’t remember my lines” Butler and Coblers played by Tony Murphy came on after the interval and had us all in fits of laughter with their repartee and singing and supported by the Blue Bird of Happiness played by David Clapp who became the butt of their jokes.
Derek did not disappoint us as he managed to forget his lines in one of their songs. We also had a new dame played by Nick Elliott whose amazing outfit was only surpassed by the energy he put into the part I know I have said it before but this Panto was a reminder of the wealth of acting talent, passion and production know how that can be found within the Benefice. There were also a number of outstanding performances from newcomers to the BDG. I have to praise the exceptionally high standard of musical direction. Over the past few years under the direction of Ward Baker and Gareth Price the standard was continued to improve. This bodes well for the musical that we are being promised for later this year. The programme did not give credit for whoever prepared the meal during the interval and presumably provided the same high quality for three nights. in a row. Well done to everyone involved!